Daniel Blohm
I remember when I 12 years old brought 18 pages of sheet music to my acoustic guitar teacher and he said: -“have you ever thought of playing electric guitar instead?” The song was “The Phantom of The Opera” by Iron Maiden, and they became my heroes for a long time. Others that have inspired me and that I have listen to a lot, is John Norum, Gary Moore, Tony McAlpine and of course Yngwie Malmsteen!
How did your interest in music start?
Well, I was just a small kid and found mom and dads old records and put on the song “Rock´n roll music” by The Beatles, and was totally floored by the raw energy! Since then I knew it was Rock´n roll for me. I listen to a lot of other genres, but energy wise nothing can compete with it.
Favorite track on the album?
This is a hard one, since I like all songs and a favorite varies from day to day. For example, “The Book of Wisdom” has a cool groove, great energy, a Stratocaster that is being tormented in the solo, and the chorus is gospel flavored! What more can you ask for in a metal song? But still I think I choose “Throne of gold”! As mighty and epic as it can be.
SARAYASIGN Daniel Blohm guitar. SARAYASIGN Daniel Blohm guitar