Jesper lindbergh
From early on, bands like Kiss, Dio, Rainbow, Queensrÿche, to name a few, laid the foundation in my younger years. I wanted to be Peter Criss so bad! These days I get influenced by anything with a great groove and a strong melody and my Spotify has everything from heavy bands like Periphery and modern rock bands like Daughtry, but also calmer stuff like Adele and Anouk. There’s just so many great flavours out there!
How did your interest in music start?
For me it was all about the drums, and Peter Criss started it all when I got the Kiss Alive! album. The sound, the songs, the makeup, the larger than life imagery and the “You can do anything you want if you put your mind to it” attitude. To this days, easily one of the best live albums out there (although not entirely live).
Favorite track on the album?
An almost impossible question to answer since I’ve been working so hard on all of them and I’m invested emotionally in all of them too, but if I must choose a favourite, it’s going to be one of the darker tracks on the album, a track called “Sandman”. I just love the spooky, melancholic feel that is the essence and beauty of the song.